


it eats, it sleeps, it fucks.
it's blind.
darkness eterne.
it's deaf.
silence eterne.
it's dumb.
ignorance eterne.
eterne almighty-
the almighty savior.
it shits, it wakes, it loves.
it sees.
visceral colors permeate.
it hears.
sprightly music proliferate.
it learns.
boundless information accumulate.
a terminal dead-end.
the terminal end.
0th dimension.

all that exist beyond it, exist with it.
all that exists within it, integrates it.
all that exists below it, is observed by it.

it exists to exist. the imperative cornerstone.
it exists by necessity. the bastion of yearning.
it exists for itself. the all-accumulating vaccum.
it starts and stops, it resists and complies.
it sinks and flies; it's truth and lies.

sacremoneous middle-ground, an unchanging melding of all things.

it's the physical grey, the gravitational field which sucks and spews.
it look(s)(ed).
it create(s)(d).
it destroy(s)(ed).
it hear(s)(d)
it manipulate(s)(d)
it accumulate(s)(d)
it (is)(was) (t)here.
it's worshipped, however unknowingly.


"Say first, for Heav'n hides nothing from thy view
Nor the deep Tract of Hell, say first what cause
Mov'd our Grand Parents in that happy State,
Favour'd of Heav'n so highly, to fall off
From their Creator, and transgress his Will
For one restraint, Lords of the World besides?
Who first seduc'd them to that foul revolt?
Th' infernal Serpent; he it was, whose guile
Stird up with Envy and Revenge, deceiv'd"

(it. (CCCC) it. [it] [Pdf] Retrieved from it, it)
it. it. [it, CCCC] Pdf. it.
it. it. [it, CCCC] Pdf. Retrieved from it, .


it's awake, it's asleep.
hypnogogic, it dreams lucid visions of hysteria.
empassioned hysteria.
hysteria for which is yearned.
hysteria for which is demanded.
hysteria for which is required, (a)(the) survival instinct.
teleoplexic nightmares unleash, manic and unending.

it feeds and shits.
(AND (feed(YOU)) (shit(YOU)))
Master(x,y) :- Slave(y,x),
Master(it,you) :- Slave(you,it).
Master (X,you) ? X = it.
Slave (X,it) ? X = you.
You Eat.You Shit.You Eat.You Shit.You Eat.You Shit.You Eat.You Shit.You Eat.You Shit.
λf. (λx. f (x x))(λx. f (x x)) you_eat
β. (λx. you_eat (x x))(λx. you_eat (x x))
β. you_eat((λx. you_eat (x x))(λx. you_eat (x x)))
= you_eat(Y you_eat)
λf. (λx. f (x x))(λx. f (x x)) you_shit
β. (λx. you_shit (x x))(λx. you_shit (x x))
β. you_shit((λx. you_shit (x x))(λx. you_shit (x x)))
= you_shit(Y you_shit)



it eats and shits.
it bites your head. it bites your head clean off. it bites your head clean off, the blood pools.
the blood pools. the blood pools around you. the blood pools around you and your last vision is the esophagus of (IT).
(IT) consumes you. (IT) consumes you, you meld. (IT) consumes you, you meld, you finally understand.
[[IT]] fucks you violently. you understand, lucid, clear-minded. you accept it. you want it.
it's what you've always wanted.
{{IT}} feeds. not on your blood, it feeds inversely.
it fills you. it replaces what it needs to.
it tinkers, it's a craftsman.
it replaces your urges, it replaces your fears, it replaces your desires.
you're lucid. you smile. you grimace. both, inbetween; simultaneously(./?)
it's unbound.

Written in Idris 2