


today the thoughts ablaze, everyday the same way. ruminations parallaxed through internal nocs. electronic escape puts the mind to ease, for this a debt unpaid. in the roots insects burrow, an aura of agony. embers remain; however, immune via a damp cloak. a sapling, encased in a cocoon; rather, exoskeleton. it's connections burrow beneath layers of soot, each limb's demise felt at the core. it feels everything. the bugs run from their impending doom, digging deeper and deeper into the bark, a feeble effort. i understand. i mumble, but more sonar; the reflection stokes the flames burning consciousness. they respond, it pierces, a wind brushes the flames larger and larger, bit by bit seared. the larva survives, immune but quarantined out of fear of contagion. where's the normality? what's left after? i hard reset my phone, it made me install a lot of bloatware. you know it's spying on you? all those user agreements, i haven't read them. i'm sure you've never disabled all the opt-in tracking, i'm sure you resign yourself to using the fingerprint unlocker because you're too lazy to type in 4 numbers. one more added to the database! facial recognition? so Sum Ting-Wong Megacorp can add you to their evergrowing neural network? you're helping support chinese totalitarianism in a way. it's pushed as the future. 322, take one. it's a waiting game, you have to do it properly. slight waves sweep in and it's here. a strength and willingness appear, but to do what? nothing is here, it's late; go home. i'm back, so let's go again? 322, take two. it's a waiting game, you have to do it properly. transmissions begin rising, a kite above me. i see the picture, but i can't feel angry? fire draws close, the cloak evaporates. the parcel rises higher and higher, beyond the inferno below. 7000km. condensates and freefalls. dousing the now hellscape. what's left? barren, ashened skeletons quickly disregarded as a stupid mistake. the sapling remains, relieved but wilted. you've so long left! we'll deal with it tomorrow, anyway. today the thoughts ablaze, everyday the same way. ruminations parallaxed through internal nocs. electronic escape puts the mind to ease, for this a debt unpaid. in the roots insects burrow, an aura of agony. embers remain; however, immune via a damp cloak. a sapling, encased in a cocoon; rather, exoskeleton. it's connections burrow beneath layers of soot, each limb's demise felt at the core. it feels everything. the bugs run from their impending doom, digging deeper and deeper into the bark, a feeble effort. i understand. i mumble, but more sonar; the reflection stokes the flames burning consciousness. they respond, it pierces, a wind brushes the flames larger and larger, bit by bit seared. the larva survives, immune but quarantined out of fear of contagion. where's the normality? what's left after? i hard reset my phone, it made me install a lot of bloatware. you know it's spying on you? all those user agreements, i haven't read them. i'm sure you've never disabled all the opt-in tracking, i'm sure you resign yourself to using the fingerprint unlocker because you're too lazy to type in 4 numbers. one more added to the database! facial recognition? so Sum Ting-Wong Megacorp can add you to their evergrowing neural network? you're helping support chinese totalitarianism in a way. it's pushed as the future. 322, take one. it's a waiting game, you have to do it properly. slight waves sweep in and it's here. a strength and willingness appear, but to do what? nothing is here, it's late; go home. i'm back, so let's go again? 322, take two. it's a waiting game, you have to do it properly. transmissions begin rising, a kite above me. i see the picture, but i can't feel angry? fire draws close, the cloak evaporates. the parcel rises higher and higher, beyond the inferno below. 7000km. condensates and freefalls. dousing the now hellscape. what's left? barren, ashened skeletons quickly disregarded as a stupid mistake. the sapling remains, relieved but wilted. you've so long left! we'll deal with it tomorrow, anyway.

Written in Idris 2